purposely - définition. Qu'est-ce que purposely
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est purposely - définition

If you do something purposely, you do it intentionally. (FORMAL)
They are purposely withholding information.
ADV: usu ADV with v, also ADV adj
¦ adverb deliberately; on purpose.
·adv With purpose or design; intentionally; with predetermination; designedly.
Exemples de prononciation pour purposely
1. certain oligarch types, purposely
Man of Peace _ Robert Thurman _ Talks at Google
2. I've purposely ignored it,
3. to purposely insert vulnerabilities,
Cybersecurity and Cyberwar - What Everyone Needs to Know _ Peter Warren Singer _ Talks at Google
4. So they're purposely consumers.
The Golden Hour _ Matt Mitchell _ Talks at Google
5. purposely designed incompatibilities
How Video Gamers Invented New Entertainment Genres _ Hector Postigo _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour purposely
1. "I would never purposely do anything to harm Kamilah.
2. It doesn‘t mean that government is purposely weak.
3. "It takes a magician to know how people deceive purposely.
4. "She purposely misled and delayed our investigation," he said.
5. It is purposely designed to embarrass the Prime Minister.